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Belarus Mobile Users, January 01, 2008 Belarus Mobile Users, April 01, 2010

Velcom to become dual-band mobile network

Author: Mikhail Doroshevich


The Belarusian State Commission on radio frequencies has approved changes to the Mobile Digital Communication (MDC) (trademark Velcom) licence, allowing the company to use the 1800 MHz radio frequency, making Velcom a GSM 900/1800 dual-band mobile network

Meanwhile, Velcom has signed an agreement with Ericsson for additional equipment supplies. In the last week, Ericsson delivered the company new switchboards and base stations for E17m.

From 1999 to 2002, Velcom invested E104.3m into network expansion. In 2003, the company is planning to invest a further E68m (E22.4 of Velcom's own funds and E46m from foreign investment). By the end of 2003, the company hopes to have 700,000 subscribers, with a network capacity of 1m.

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