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Belarusian Parliamentary Elections campaign in the Internet

Author: Mikhail Doroshevich


According to analysis conduced by E-Belarus.ORG, October parliamentary elections campaign in Belarus have showed that political actors and civil activists in the country are becoming aware of Internet potential for political struggle and propaganda.

199 parliamentary candidates (49,8% of 400 registered by October 4, 2004) launched their web-sites or web-pages. 5 candidates launched their web-sites before October 17, 2004 elections, and two of them initiated online forums. Two more candidates referred to their personal web-sites during their election campaign.

At the same time October parliamentary elections campaign made it clear that no political party in Belarus has pursued consistent online election campaign strategy. Belarusian political parties web-sites provided only some sporadic information about few of their MP candidates.

Useful links:

Belarusian Parliamentary Elections in the Internet

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