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Electronic Belarus in 2005

Author: Mikhail Doroshevich


Speaking at the 4th International ICT Congress the head of the National Academy of Belarus Mikhail Miasnikovich informed that the implementation of the national Electronic Belarus programme will be continued in spite of the fact that in 2003-2004 only the government allocated only 50% of the planned programme budget.

As the result the programme will be extended by one year as 23 projects of the scheme will be accomplished in 2006.

About 16b BYR (6m EUR) Electronic Belarus in 2005 is planned to spend for realization of tasks of the program.

In order to speed up the implementation of the programme and to get appropriate funding for the scheme it is necessary to introduce a special Electronic Belarus section in the national budget and to create a special expert body to coordinate the whole process, insists Miasnikovich.

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