Author: Mikhail Doroshevich
According to the survey of 124 governmental web sites conducted by E-Belarus.ORG, only 68 of them have unique IP addresses.
38 websites (or 55,88% of sites with unique IP addresses use OS Linux, 18 (26,47%) - Windows (2000, NT), 11 (16,18%) - FreeBSD and 1 (1,47%) - Solaris.
Table 1. Operating System
As for the web-sites server software, Apache is used for - 54 sites ( 79,41%), Microsoft-IIS - 13 (19,12%), other - 1(1.47%)
Table 2. Server Software
FOSS using is not the result of the government strategy but the result of hosting owners' and specialists' choice. Another reason is that existing governmental web-sites are not interactive tools for citizen-government communication but simple governmental bodies presentations.
Useful links:
E-Belarus.ORG, 2001-2011
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