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BeST applies for GSM operator license

Author: Mikhail Doroshevich


State owned Belarusian GSM operator BeST has applied for the license to the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus . Ministry of Communications is to make a decision in a month but the cost of the license hasn't been defined yet. Though there is a chance for BeST to get a discount from the government.

Mikhail Demchenko, BeST general director, says that without a license the company cannot to start the project and to proceed to equipment purchase and network building.

State owned Belarusian GSM operator BeST was founded by Beltelecom (25%) and by state owned enterprise Agat (75%) in November 2004. At the first stage BeST is planning to invest $150 into its network building. The third Belarusian GSM operator network is to be put into operation in the end of the third quarter of 2005. Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus emphasizes that BeST priority is provision mobile services for poorer rural regions in order to fulfill governmental program intended to cover all Belarusian settlements with mobile networks by 2014.

Useful links:

Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus

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