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ICT and education in Belarus

Author: Mikhail Doroshevich


Project of Belarusian informational society development strategy for 2011-2015 assumes that in 2015, every higher education institution will have broadband access to the Internet.

The project of strategy foresees an increase of broadband Internet access ports by 3 millions (about 530.000 today) to 2015. There will be 7 million users of mobile Internet access (about 1,6 million today).

Medical documentation available in digital format will constitute 50% instead of 20-25% at the present time.

Today over 87% of Belarusian schools have some form of Internet access, while over 21% have broadband access.

Thanks to the implementation of state program "Complex informatisation of the Republic of Belarus' educational system for 2007-2010", index of the number of students per computer was significantly improved. In 2006, it constituted 28 students per computer, while at the end of 2009, it was 22 students per computer. In countryside the number is 14 students per computer. Biggest number of students is in the Brest oblast - 26, while the Minsk oblast boasts the lowest number - 19.

Level of informatisation of the vocational and special middle schools is higher compared to middle schools: 100% provision of computers, and all establishments have Internet access. There are 18 students for every computer in vocational schools, while 3 years ago there were 30.

Useful links:

Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus

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