Author: Mikhail Doroshevich
National Committee of Statistics first announced that in 2009, Belarusian organisations spent almost one and a half trillion BYR on informational and communication technologies. However, some of them still don't have any computers, around 15% don't have Internet access, and almost half of those who do have it use dial-up that is slower than 256Kbit/s.
By Belstat's data, 97,2% of all organisations in Belarus have PCs, 16,5% have other types of computers, 2,8% (800) don't have any computers at all.
Minsk region's organisations have the highest amount of computer equipment - 98,6% of them have it, as opposed to 98,3% in Minsk. Of all organisations with computer equipment 86,4% have Internet access, while in Minsk 92% of computerised organisations have Internet access. Mogilev region takes second place with 89%. For Gomel region the number is 77%.
Mining, fish breeding, oil-processing, coke and nuclear materials production as well as transport vehicles and equipment industries are the most computerized at 100%. Mining and oil-processing industries also use non-personal computers (28% and 33% accordingly). Not only this, but businesses of this industry have 100% access to the Internet. For fish breeders and transport vehicles manufacturers the number is 94%.
99% of businesses in agricultural (including hunting and forestry) sector have PCs, but only 80% can access the Internet.
Only 71% of educational organisations have Internet access (94% have PCs).
97% of private organisations have PCs and 90% have Internet access. For organisations with foreign property the numbers are 97,6% and 96,3% accordingly.
96,9% of state organisations have PC, out of them 80% have PCs.
49% use dial-up Internet access, 53% have broadband and 11% use wi-fi. More than half of all organisations' - 52,7% - speed is less than 256 Kbit/s.
Highest percent of broadband users is in Minsk - 61%, as well as highest percent of those with access speed over 256 Kbit/s - 62,9%. Most of organisations who have wireless access belong to Minsk region - 13,3% (12,3% in Minsk).
62% of state organisations use dial-up access, with over 65% with low speed.
72% of organisations with foreign property have broadband access and 71% have high speed access. Wireless access is mostly used by organisations in property of natural persons - 15%.
BYR 87 billion were spent to pay for Internet access in organisations researched by Belstat, which is 6% of total money spent on ICT, which totalled at BYR 1,45 trillion. Almost 70% of all funds were spent by Minsk organisations.
Around 30% of expenses are directed towards purchase of computers (including installation and adjustments), and 28% to pay for telecommunications (with Internet costs making up 20%). Software purchases made up 13% of total expenses, outside organisations were payed a bit more - 14% - for their services (except for communications and learning services). 0,5% of all expenses were dedicated for employee training.
More than half of the total ICT costs (55%) fall on just three types of economic activity. In the first place with BYR 295 billion are activities that deal with real estate operations, lease and services to the consumers. In the second place is financial activity (283 billion roubles), in the third - transportations and communications (232 billion). BYR 38 billion were spent on "educational" activities (21 billion for the purchase of computers), 22 billion was spent for healthcare and social services.
Most of the costs fall on the private sector. 34% of the costs fall on state businesses, 7,8% on foreign. Almost 64% of all Internet expenses belong to private organisations, while only 21,5% belong to the state form of property, and over 14% to the foreign.
Useful links:
National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
E-Belarus.ORG, 2001-2011
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