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BRSM Youth Union to launch voting app for Belarus' presidential election


According to BelTA activists of the BRSM Youth Union will present a mobile app I Vote! during an open dialogue “Belarus: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”. The new application will become available for users on 23 July.

The mobile app will be presented by BRSM activists from Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics Vadim Vladymtsev, Egor Golubev and Yuri Skrobat.

This will be a voter information guide. It will provide information on the polling place and on presidential candidates, and create an itinerary to the polling station using Google or Yandex Maps.

The app will also have the News section that will be updated using news from the Politics BelTA section.

Users will be able to send their feedback. The application will be based on Android and iOS. The app will be available free of charge.

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